Pet Care Advice this Spring, from Leading Vets at PDSA

Pet Care Advice this Spring, from Leading Vets at PDSA

Chocolate poisoning:
Easter eggs are springtime treat but can be fatal for your four-legged friend - don’t kill with kindness. Chocolate contains an ingredient called theobromine which can be toxic for dogs.

Dark chocolate is most dangerous for pets. One small bar contains enough theobromine to kill a small dog. Chocolate coated raisins, peanuts and coffee beans are even more dangerous to pets, because they contain a lethal cocktail of chemicals that are toxic to pets.

We recommend that you store chocolate in the same way as you’d store medicine – this will keep them well out of the way of pets.

Symptoms of chocolate poisoning:
The effects of chocolate poisoning in dogs usually appear 4 to 24 hours after they’ve eaten it. Chocolate is also toxic to cats but they are much less likely to eat it than dogs.

The first signs of chocolate poisoning include:
- excessive thirst
- vomiting
- a tender stomach
- drooling
- restlessness.

Symptoms can get worse over time and include:
- abnormal heart rhythm
- raised body temperature
- rapid breathing.

In more severe cases dogs can experience fits, kidney failure or even death.

Alternative Easter treats for pets
As well as potentially being toxic, sweet treats and fatty food are really bad for your pet’s waistline and pet obesity is a growing problem. If you want to show your pet some extra love this Easter, our vets recommend these alternative treats:

A low-fat food treat like a small piece of carrot.
A new toy.
A nice long walk or extra-long play time.

Content provided by PDSA. The UK's leading veterinary charity, with a network of 48 Pet Hospitals, providing low cost and free veterinary care to sick and injured pets. 

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